Justifying Your OSS Investment

By | November 30, 2013

OSS have been seen as the cost center since it was born. That’s why the business has been less motivated to invest in it.
We, as OSS professionals have struggled to justify the investments in terms of operational excellence, improved quality, increased productivity. These has been used multiple times for the justifications however I assure you these are not interesting the sponsors anymore.

To justify our OSS, we need to convert it to a product. We have to convert OSS functions to revenue generating functions and start selling them either as standalone products or add-ons.

Here are some areas where you can collect revenue from your OSS investment.

– Advanced Reporting Platform (OSS)
– Pay as You Grow Services (BSS)
– Advanced Notification Services (OSS)
– Customer based correlation (business) rules (OSS & BSS)
– Customer SLA Management (OSS & BSS)

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