Author Archives: Murat Balkan

Common Data Model: Does it worth implementing?

As the name implies, common data model or CIM, is a business (and technical) model of entities that are used during a telecommunication operator’s activities. As the businesses and the operational functions become complex, integrations between tools that are handling those also become complex. Telecommunications, probably the most complex business among the others has been… Read More »

IBM and Stream Computing

Normally I do not write about vendor products but since today’s topic seems to be a new driver for the industry, I will make an exception. Today’s topic is about IBM Infosphere Streams product which introduces a new term to our industry: Stream Computing. Stream Computing concept stems from the fact that todays’ OSS/BSS environment… Read More »

Mobile Device Agents

Today, I want to talk about a new trend that seems to popped up in the SQM/CEM field: Mobile Device Agents. Mobile Device agents are software components that reside on user devices and collect statistics about the quality of user experience which will enable the operator to act upon service degradation. Operator can also have the… Read More »

Why TAM is “less” popular?

OSS is all about automations and tools automate things. Maybe we should pay more attention to TAM rather to eTOM. This is all about marketing indeed. TMForum “sells” eTOM in a very successful way. TAM, on the other hand, seems to be left on one side to it’s destiny. If you have a look at the documentation… Read More »

CFS and External Business Service Catalogs. When terms collide..

Anyone who enters the complex world of OSS/BSS transformations, will face different technologies, standards and their terminology they carry with. Management standards depict the terms, and the terms become the language people talk to each other. Take IT for example.  ITIL is the dominating de-facto standard for managing the whole lifecycle of IT services, from birth to… Read More »

Who are the Service Owners?

As we enter the challenging environment of service management, one question arises naturally. We are managing the services but who owns them within the organization? The answer should be obvious but surprisingly it is not that simple for most operators. In a typical SQM / Service Management project, we have to interface with the service… Read More »

Who are the VIP Customers?

VIP customers of the service providers have always got the attention and put first in the retention and churn related initiatives. But who are the VIP customers? In the early days of telecommunications, where there are only primitive tools available to the sector, service providers started to search for their VIP customers in their CRM… Read More »

Category: CEM

Mobile Device Repositories

One of the first requirement for mobile portals is to provide customized and optimized content which will enable a consistent customer experience throughout the mobile channel. Mobile portals should convert the content to the desired format on the fly before the content hits the consumer device. In order to do this conversion, portal (or conversion enabling… Read More »

From SQM to Customer SLA Management

Customers will expect you to deliver the quality of service you have committed in the presales phase. Most of the operators, however, fell short on delivering this expectation and service outages occur every time.Most operators who do not trust their current network, do not implement any customer SLA management process. Lacking an end to end… Read More »

Workflows Everywhere

Workflows everywhere: In trouble ticketing platforms, CRM, Inventory Management Systems, Service Management Systems, Order Management Systems. Each of these systems implement some kind of workflow engine to automate the processes they depend on. Would not it be wise to merge all those in a common workflow engine? Would not it be more easy to manage… Read More »