Why TAM is “less” popular?

By | February 29, 2012

OSS is all about automations and tools automate things. Maybe we should pay more attention to TAM rather to eTOM. This is all about marketing indeed. TMForum “sells” eTOM in a very successful way. TAM, on the other hand, seems to be left on one side to it’s destiny.

If you have a look at the documentation differences, you will see that TAM has only 1 reference document attached in contrast with eTOM which have dozens of related documents. You won’t also see any related training directly addressing TAM.

The second reason for this situation is the driver of the standards. The driver of TAM is the service providers themselves not TMForum itself.

However, when you go to the field, the first thing the service providers use for any OSS gap analysis is the TAM framework. eTOM, which should appear first, goes next. Offcourse any transformation activity should start at the processes level but this requires time and effort.

Do you also see TAM more in the picture in your transformation programs?